December 2023 – Running an Etsy shop
Did you know you could feed your fabric habit by selling your creations on Etsy? Carol showed us how.
All the fun stuff we do at our monthly chapter meetings in Cedar Rapids.
Did you know you could feed your fabric habit by selling your creations on Etsy? Carol showed us how.
Our chapter’s annual elections plus time to share our holiday projects.
Our president Tamra tells us all about the fun she had at the ASG national conference a few months ago – classes she took, fabric she bought, all the deets.
We got tons of inspiration from upcycler extraordinaire Mary Anne, who showed us her fabulously trimmed out garments and elaborate jewelry.
In the sunny heat of the summer, what better to wear than linen? Without any local sources, where do you go? And how do you know what you’re getting?
No more wondering what fibers our fabrics contain. We learned exactly how to tell what they are.
We pulled out the stops on gorgeous place settings – from simple to fancy – and sipped three different teas to learn about the flavors.
Have you seen those gorgeous rope bowls and wondered how they’re made? We did too, but now we know because Sarah showed us.